Post super frivolo oggi (nonostante stia cominciando ad accumulare un po' troppe bozze :P): dopo Jude Law e Dave Gahan torno a parlarvi di affascinantissimi testimonial vip...lui!
Super frivolous post today (though I'm starting to have too many posts in the draft section :P): after Jude Law and Dave Gahan I'm back with super charming vip testimonials...him!
Ewan McGregor (per me) rientrava nella categoria 'Meh!', soprattutto ai tempi di Trainspotting, della serie: "Sì, carino...più o meno...." ma mancava quel quid.....poi, qualche giorno, fa vedo questo spot...
Ewan McGregor was (for me) under the 'Meh!' category, especially at the time he was acting in Trainspotting, it was like: "Yeah, he's nice...more or less..." but there was something missing....then, a few days ago, I saw this commercial...
e....Oh my goodness!! Vabbè, ad essere onesta me n'ero già accorta ai tempi della campagna Davidoff, sarà la barbetta (adoro gli uomini col pizzetto!), boh, ma ora mi sono convinta...è proprio figo! :)))) Lo so, adesso mi direte: "Adesso ti sei svegliata? Ma come, dov'eri quando Moulin Rouge è uscito??!"....Che vi devo dire? Era belloccio e, adesso mi attirerò antipatie e pomodori, quel film non l'ho mai sopportato più di tanto - ne avrò visto circa metà ma non mi ha mai attirato più di tanto, i musical mi piacciono a momenti alterni e Nicole Kidman non la sopporto da un pezzo...
E dopo avervi dato questa importantissima notizia che cambierà le vostre vite vi chiedo: c'è qualche celebrità che snobbavate e che dopo avete visto con 'occhi nuovi'? :P
and...Oh my goodness!! Ok, to be honest, I already realized this at the time he was testimonial for Davidoff, maybe it's the beard (I love men with goatee!, I don't know, but now I'm sure....he's really cool! ::)))) I know, now you'll say: "You just woke up? Where have you been when Moulin Rouge was released??!"... What can I say? He was handsome but wasn't crazy about him and, I'm sure many of you will disagree now, could never stand that movie that much - I may have watched half of it but it never caught my attention, don't always enjoy musicals and can't stand Nicole Kidman since quite long time...
And after giving you such an important information that will change your lives, I'm asking: is there any celebrity you were snobbing but then made you change your mind?
PS: non mi sono rimangiata la parola sulla beauty adoption - voglio solo ponderare meglio cosa proporvi :)
PS: I didn't forget about the beauty adoption - I just want to ponder what to offer :)
Post super frivolo oggi (nonostante stia cominciando ad accumulare un po' troppe bozze :P): dopo Jude Law e Dave Gahan torno a parlarvi di affascinantissimi testimonial vip...lui!
Super frivolous post today (though I'm starting to have too many posts in the draft section :P): after Jude Law and Dave Gahan I'm back with super charming vip testimonials...him!
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Ewan McGregor was (for me) under the 'Meh!' category, especially at the time he was acting in Trainspotting, it was like: "Yeah, he's nice...more or less..." but there was something missing....then, a few days ago, I saw this commercial...
e....Oh my goodness!! Vabbè, ad essere onesta me n'ero già accorta ai tempi della campagna Davidoff, sarà la barbetta (adoro gli uomini col pizzetto!), boh, ma ora mi sono convinta...è proprio figo! :)))) Lo so, adesso mi direte: "Adesso ti sei svegliata? Ma come, dov'eri quando Moulin Rouge è uscito??!"....Che vi devo dire? Era belloccio e, adesso mi attirerò antipatie e pomodori, quel film non l'ho mai sopportato più di tanto - ne avrò visto circa metà ma non mi ha mai attirato più di tanto, i musical mi piacciono a momenti alterni e Nicole Kidman non la sopporto da un pezzo...
E dopo avervi dato questa importantissima notizia che cambierà le vostre vite vi chiedo: c'è qualche celebrità che snobbavate e che dopo avete visto con 'occhi nuovi'? :P
and...Oh my goodness!! Ok, to be honest, I already realized this at the time he was testimonial for Davidoff, maybe it's the beard (I love men with goatee!, I don't know, but now I'm sure....he's really cool! ::)))) I know, now you'll say: "You just woke up? Where have you been when Moulin Rouge was released??!"... What can I say? He was handsome but wasn't crazy about him and, I'm sure many of you will disagree now, could never stand that movie that much - I may have watched half of it but it never caught my attention, don't always enjoy musicals and can't stand Nicole Kidman since quite long time...
And after giving you such an important information that will change your lives, I'm asking: is there any celebrity you were snobbing but then made you change your mind?
PS: non mi sono rimangiata la parola sulla beauty adoption - voglio solo ponderare meglio cosa proporvi :)
PS: I didn't forget about the beauty adoption - I just want to ponder what to offer :)